Speaker Details
A glimpse into the background of our speaker

Anita Omercevic-Gültekin
Anita Omercevic-Gültekin works at the non-governmental organization Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e. V. as project manager in the field of Migration and Development Policies.
She studied political science and political research, sociology and administration in Germany, the Czech Republic and Spain. After completing her studies, she worked as project manager on projects in the European Union with the focus on sustainability, environmental protection and environmental education.
At the Forum der Kulturen she is responsible for the implementation of projects dealing with the empowerment of migrants’ organizations in Baden-Württemberg by increasing their visibility and emphasizing their expertise.
The focus of her work lies on achieving long-term collaborations between municipalities and migrants engaged in development policies and thereby strengthening civic participation. Besides she coordinates a network of migrants in Baden-Württemberg that brings together experts with migratory background engaged in the field of development policies.