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This three-day event precedes the Global Partnership for African Development (G-PAD) 2024 Forum themed Unlocking Africa’s Renewable Energy Potential

The Lead Academy 2024 initiative pursues two distinct but inter-twined goals. First, it aims at charting a new course of thinking among the focus group of the 2024 Academy on the maintenance of economic relevance and capacity development. It also seeks to provide a counter-narrative to the body of knowledge that have, unfortunately but dominantly, framed the imagination of the black body in Europe.

The proposed dialogue of this Academy aims at producing a complimenting new body of knowledge targeted at addressing this issues and to Understand how to leverage on their Personal identity, Character and Values for Effective leadership

Identity (Re/Visiting History: Africa’s Self-Reflection): 
River of life exercises which 

reflect on the strengths and traits that have carried us from birth to being who we are today and how to own that identity and find your voice. Understanding what are the unique things from our life journeys that makes you stand out and how to build on those to make a difference. 

Visioning and Goal Setting : A long term visioning exercise of where they see themselves in 5-10 years and then working backwards to identify current choices or behaviours that promote or sabotage that person and then creating or reinforcing values / habits / choices needed to become that person and set some short to mid terms goals 

 Personal Development Plan – knowing who we are now, where we want to go and what we have learnt, have participants create a personal development plan that ensure they have a deliberate growth plan with keystone habits and practices to sustain their growth 

 Impact Plan – based on the power of one -encourage each participant to actually pick an issue in their community or school they can start acting or speaking on – in the hope of attracting the support of other community members or leaders who have the capacity to drive long term sustainable change 

Movie night and review discussion around reflections, thoughts and how to apply such lessons in life  – black Panther, Woman King, Coach Carter etc 


Objectives of what the participants can expect to learn in the Academy:

  • Clarify the impact and growth they seek to achieve as they pursue their vision and mission.
  • Communicate and socialise their vision to attract and retain talent, support and collaborations
  • Adapt and customise best practice leadership practices from African and European (with focus on German)
  • Design a well structured development plan with clear performance drivers and metrics to track progress. 


  • Personal leadership – Identity  and personal drive // Structured personal growth // Character and values 
  • Organisational leadership – Clarity of Vision, Goals and Mission // Clear results , Metrics and Performance drivers // Attracting, Retaining and Developing talents. 
  • Leadership lessons from Africa and its allies  – Ubuntu – African leadership lessons // The reality of leading in Africa and the challenges of the continent // Lessons from allies – Germany and EU 


  • Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 35
  • Complete application form and submit by 20th September 2024
  • Submit a copy of your ID along with your application form
  • All sessions will hold via Zoom. Participants should therefore have good internet access
  • Applicants must be available to fully participate in the sessions from 7th – 9th October 2024 as well as in the G-PAD Forum on 9th October 2024 (in person to participants in Germany)
  • Good command of English language


This programme is targeted at, but not limited to, Africans, Black Diaspora, and people of African descent. Slots are only available to 30 participants. who would be selected from across categories for equal opportunity and representation. Successful applicants will receive a daily stipend of 40€ for the three-day program.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be issued certificates of completion and become alumni of Lead Academy.




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